Buzzword Bingo

Buzzword Bingo is designed to make those dull meetings just a little more interesting. Play it like regular Bingo, but instead of having numbers called, listen for someone to use one of the buzzwords on your card. Get five in a row in any direction, and you win! Of course, each person should have their own unique card. Just reload and print this page once for each person on the meeting. There are 116 phrases in the Buzzword Bingo database.

empowermentmindshareconnect the dotsmarket drivenreal-world
total qualitydialogue (as a verb)middlewareend of the daybottom line
core competencyheads-upFREEfast trackpick your brain
methodologyrepurposeteamworkclosely monitoring the situationproof of concept
integratedplanning horizoncontingency plancompetitive advantagebusiness case